Thursday, December 10, 2009
Friday, October 02, 2009
It'll be a brand new day... in a life that you hate.
I hope you find out what you want. I already know what I am.
And if it makes you less sad, we'll start talking again.
And you can tell me how vile I already know that I am.
I'll grow old and start acting my age.
It'll be a brand new day in a life that you hate.
A crown of gold. A heart that's harder than stone.
And it hurts a whole lot, but it's missed when it's gone.
Call me a safe bet. I'm betting I'm not. I'm glad that you can forgive.
I'm only hoping as time goes, you can forget.
If it makes you less sad, I'll move out of the state.
You can keep to yourself. I'll keep out of your way.
And if it makes you less sad, I'll take your pictures all down.
Every picture you paint, I will paint myself out.
It's cold as a tomb, and it's dark in your room, when I sneak to your bed to pour salt in your wounds.
So call it quits or get a grip. Say you wanted a solution.
You just wanted to be missed. Call me a safe bet.
I'm betting I'm not. I'm glad that you can forgive.
I'm only hoping as time goes, you can forget...
You are calm and reposed. Let your beauty unfold.
Pale white, like the skin stretched over your bones.
Spring keeps you ever close. You are second hand smoke.
You are so fragile and thin. Standing trial for your sins.
Holding onto yourself the best you can.
You are the smell before rain. You are the blood in my veins.
Call me a safe bet. I'm betting I'm not.
I'm glad that you can forgive.
I'm only hoping as time goes, you can forget.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
when i finally get my own place...
when i finally get my own place
the walls will be white
when i finally get my own place
i will stay out every night
and it will be quiet
when i finally get my own place
it'll do its best to please me
when i finally get my own place
it will have windows that will leak
a garden i won't weed, fish i won't feed
you don't need to be lonely
you don't need to be lost
you don't need to know what your living for
you just knock on my door
when i...
when i...
when i finally get my own place
i'll fly into a rage
i'll knock myself out
and alter hours of whispering throught the keyhole
and i let myslef back into your arms
you don't need to be lonely
you don't need to be lost
you don't need to know what your living for
you just knock on my door
when i finally get my own place
however low i go
it won't say a word
let the floor come up to meet me
the walls collapse to keep me
its the only way
you don't need to be lonely
you don't need to be lost
you don't need to know what your living for...
you don't ned to be lonely
you don't need to be lost
you don't need to know what your living for,
you don't have to be sure
you just knock on my door
when i...
when i...
Monday, April 13, 2009
Writing exercises
I am staking a claim on my creativity. I am going to develop it. I am going to stop feeling so stagnant all the time.
I am going to WRITE again!!!
For me, this is a huge deal. I used to write every day. I used to LOVE writing. I used to lose myself in it for hours upon hours.
But I haven't written anything worthwhile in a very, very long time. And I really want to get a move on. I am still waiting for that genius idea to come to me, but someday, it will and I will be ready.
SO I've started doing writing exercises. Every day. Just like going to the gym, only for my creative mind... for my creative SOUL.
The first one I did yesterday was list 31 simple pleasures. Now every day I write about one of them for FIVE minutes.
Starting tomorrow.
Here are my 31 simple pleasures:
1) Smelling summertime
2) Driving with good music & the sunroof open
3) Getting off work early for an afternoon
4) When my apartment is tidy
5) Reading a good, long book
6) Waking up to the smell of coffee
7) An ice cream truck that drives by when it’s hot
8) Sitting in the sunshine
9) Bike-riding along the beach
10) Coming across a small amount of ‘found money’
11) Smores
12) Getting into bed when my sheets are freshly washed
13) Roadtrips
14) Getting letters in the mail
15) Dreams in which you feel loved
16) Dreaming and not having to wake up
17) Writing something that comes out easily & is truly fulfilling
18) Relating to a song so much that it scares you
19) Seeing live music that you love
20) Watching a movie you love over and over
21) Hearing a song that makes you relax
22) Getting a commending email
23) My nephew telling me he loves me
24) A glass of wine
25) A long, warm shower
26) The first day you no longer need to wear a winter coat
27) The first snowfall
28) The autumn time
29) Having coffee and reading
30) Feeling secure
31) Getting a much-needed hug
SO now that I've gotten those, starting tomorrow I will write about one of them EVERY day for a month. If I miss a day here or there, I will make it up, I promise. But I WILL do this! I need to .
Also - I am going to do character development writing exercises. Because characters are the heart of stories, and I need to develop a good one. I WILL write again, and it WILL be something worth reading!! It will be a struggle but I can do this and I need to do this for my own sanity!!!!!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
How did we get here? When I use to know you so well... How did we get here? Well, I think I know, the truth is hiding in your eyes. And it's hanging on your tongue, just boiling in my blood.
But you think that I can't see what kind of man that you are, if you're a man at all.
Well, I will figure this one out on my own... On my own ("I'm screaming I love you so")... On my own (My thoughts you can't decode)....
How did we get here? When I use to know you so well, yeah. How did we get here? Well, I think I know.
Do you see what we've done? We've gone and made such fools of ourselves. Do you see what we've done? We've gone and made such fools of ourselves. Yeah... How did we get here?
When I use to know you so well... How did we get here? Well, I use to know you so well.
I think I know... I think I know... There is something I see in you. It might kill me I want it to be true...
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Going through the motions
"Do you know what I mean? It's like nothing makes me happy anymore. I don’t LOVE to do anything. I just do things. I live day to day, and can’t wait to go to sleep at night, and hate waking up in the morning.
"It sounds a lot more dismal than I mean it to… I sound miserable, or suicidal, which is not what I mean at all. I just wish I LOVED or felt passionate about something. Anything! I hate going through the motions, and that’s all I do these days."
Quote of the Day
(This is what is a constant debate in my mind for the last month... even longer if I really think about it, I guess.)
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
... continued.
"These flashes of inspiration only come now and again. The more I have them, the more I realize that I crave them. I want them. I don’t want them to go! I want my life to be a constant whirlwind. I don’t want to be able to keep up with myself… to ever settle down long enough to learn if I’ve missed anything. I want to fill every single nano-second with something meaningful, and hopeful, and beautiful, and intricate. I want to live a reverie, not just dream about creating one in the future.
"Because the future, well, it eventually becomes now. And the reverie still isn’t there – it gets pushed off towards tomorrow. A tomorrow that never comes to fruition because, well, tomorrow becomes today, and the reverie stays there: tomorrow.
"I need to calm this urge that yearns for the adrenaline of the unknown."
"It’s like when I am happy, I am dead. I don’t feel anything as well as I feel this. And these times are impossible to predict. They are always instigated by one thing, though. Art. Creativity. Emotion. After I thought I’ve become just numb enough, it all rushes back… the feelings of emptiness and despair, the nine to five I can’t escape.
"Times like these, my eyes are wild. I am not my mature, responsible self. I want nothing more than to run away, to flee everything I have ever known, in favour of a more creative lifestyle. I want to live in sunshine, to run free all of the time. I want no responsibilities. I don’t care about money, or possessions.
"And then… just when I think I’ve hit the extreme of crazy… it’s succumbs again, and the numbness sets in once more… and it’s over. The very psychosis that made me so happy, so chaotic, and so melancholy with EMOTION for such a short time is gone. And I am the empty shell I’ve always been.
"And mostly, I am left to wonder... can you ever understand?"
Monday, April 06, 2009
"... for you are the mourning within my eyes, and without hope, we have nothing."
"I'd follow you to the ends of the earth, if you'd promise to leap off the edge with me once we meet."
Sunday, April 05, 2009
How come I end up where I started? How come I end up where I went wrong? Won't take my eyes off the ball again... You reel me out then you cut the string.
How come I end up where I started? How come I end up where I went wrong? Won't take my eyes off the ball again... 'Cause you reel me out and then you cut the string.
You used to be alright... What happened?
Did the cat get your tongue? Did your string come undone?
One by one... One by one...Comes to us all... Is as soft as your pillow.
You used to be alright... What happened? Etcetera... Etcetera... Thanks for whatever.
15 steps then a sheer drop.
How come I up end where I started? How come I end up where I belong?
Won't take my eyes off the ball again... You reel me out and you cut the string.
Friday, April 03, 2009
And it gets worse...
I don't know what to do - I feel so lost. I didn't see it coming at all, and I'm really not prepared for my family to change. I don't have a conventional family by any means, but we've built traditions and such that worked, and that I loved, and now they are gone.
I know that she'll always be a huge part of my life, and I love her. I'm so worried about my dad, and at the same time so upset myself. It feels like my parents are getting divorced all over again.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
I've been sick off and on for the last month. Right now it's on.
I was in the hospital last night from 10pm-7am. It was the longest 9 hours of my life. I had several really bad asthma attacks, and the worst part is that I had to go alone. I just feel like this city has eaten me up & spit me back out. I feel so alone here.
Work is still insane. I can hardly keep up anymore, and it doesn't help that I've been off sick for four days of the past three weeks, and on vacation 2 days.
Last Monday I got into a car accident :-( It's the first accident I've ever been in, and it wasn't too bad, but there was several thousand dollars of damage to my car, and the other guys was about $1500. He slammed on his breaks & I sneezed so I didn't see it, and couldn't stop in time. My poor car. But I guess what matters is that I am okay, and so is he. I've got a rental for the time being.
My mom is coming to visit for Easter, and then on Monday the 13th, I am going back to London. I got invited to go to my college and be a guest speaker for the current students. It's going to be awesome... and they are paying me quite nicely for my time as well. Let's just say if I could charge that much hourly, I wouldn't be living in a bachelor apartment next month ;-)
Things with business has been really slow. It's making me nervous... I don't depend on that money, but I do like to have it as a buffer zone. It's always nice to have a couple grand in savings, or to be able to pay off more debt than I am right now.
The candy buffet aspect has really taken off, so at least I have booked a couple of those. (And I've booked two wedding coordination gigs!)
Anyways, if you know someone that needs a freelance bartender, etc. send them my way.
Above & Beyond Event Services - Raising the Bar!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Moving time.
It's brand new - never lived in before. All brand new appliances, including a dishwasher (whoo hoo!), and includes MAID SERVICE (double whoo hoo!).
I've been slowly but surely getting rid of my belongings so that I can fit everything. I sold my two plastic drawer sets for $15... my CD shelves for $30... and a bag of old cutlery that I wasn't even using for $10. $55 towards a new couch! I am going to sell my current couch and get a new one once I move, too.
Currently working on selling my round chair, then going to dig out what I have in my storage room & figure out what to get rid of there.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Busy Bee
Monday at work was pretty crazy. All of our systems shut down on Friday morning, so we're all trying to cram 5 days of work into 4. It's quite challenging.
After work, I went to Markham to go to Michael's (craft store). I found these AMAZING GIGANTIC cocktail glasses (they have Brandy snifters, champagne flutes, martini glasses & margarita glasses). I am going to buy them and use them for my candy buffets (and for drinking giant drinks, of course). They are seriously HUGE.
Anyways, so I bought some crafty stuff for the Wedding show on Saturday - I am setting up a MINI candy buffet. I did a test run yesterday and it looks wicked cool.
Today at work was also busy. I watched 'The City' on my lunch break because I never do anything at lunch anymore.
After work, I went to Yorkdale. I was on a mission to find the Sex and the City Ultimate Wedding Collection. Basically, I am raffling it off at the Wedding Show, becacuse I can buy it at cost from Universal. BUT I won't get it until later on, because I have to order it. SO I was going to buy one to display, then return it. I went to Chapters at Yorkdale, HMV at Yorkdale, and Zellers at Lawrence Square (sketch mall).
NO WHERE HAD IT. UGH so annoying. So I'm going to try to find one tomorrow, or else i'll just have to display a picture or something.
Then I finally came home & I have been watching TV since. On 90210, the girl got a tattoo at Venice Beach that said 'Dixon' and it was definitely done by the guy that did mine (they didn't show him but you could tell, and he's a pretty well known tattoo artist). HILARIOUS.
Okay that's all. More busy-ness to come... I have an event Saturday that I need to get some stuff for.
Sunday, February 08, 2009
1) Kanye's mullet is gross.
2) Kate Perry was out of tune, BUT had a sweet dress & gets kudos for singing live.
3) Who knew that Morgan Freeman & Kenny Chesney were friends?
4) I still can't believe M.I.A. performed on her due date...
5) I love love love iconic artist combos a la Dave Grohl & Paul McCartney playing 'When I Saw Her Standing There'. There is also a back-up singer that LOOKS like Tom Petty, but is not Tom Petty.
6) There's a lack of music on the Grammys. Don't they normally play the songs of winners, etc??
7) Rihanna & Chris Brown BOTH cancelled performances & appearances after Chris Brown is accused of felony battery on an un-named female.
8) Jennifer Nettle(s?) has an amazing voice... so pretty, and she looks pretty! She pretty much IS Sugarland, sadly.
9) Adele makes singing look effortless, and I hate hate hate her for it!!!!
10) Umm... Gwyneth looks SO good! I thought she was introducing Coldplay at first, and I was going to be very disappointed.
11) Radiohead blows me away yet again. Imagine being in that marching band & getting to play with them!?!?!
12) I think Jason Mraz brought his mom to the show. Cute.
13) The re-cap of the people that died always makes me sad. George Carlin, Jerry Wexler... Norman Smith!!! Levi Stubbs... Jheryl Busby... Isaac Hayes... Bo Diddley :-( ... aw man. Music has lost a lot of legends this year!
14) Awesome blues tribute with John Mayer, Keith Urban, BB King & Buddy Guy.
15) Love Allison Krauss & Robert Plant.
16) Lil Wayne is 26 and has THREE kids already!
17) There's a lot of bleach blonde going on with Green Day right now. Tre Cool is Tre white!
18) Rick Reuben - producer of the year... he should have gotten it when he did the Dixie Chicks album.
19) Album of the Year.... Radiohead!?!?! Ummm nope, Robert Plant & Allison Krauss swept EVERYTHING. Seriously... it was a great album, but really? Album of the year??
Annnnnnnd the Grammys come to an end. The conclusion of the night: 1) I'm tired. 2) I sitll want to fulfill my lifelong dream of attending, and can only hope the ceremony I make it to will be as great as this one.
I worked last night until 2am. Made some decent money, but was sooo tired when I got home.
This morning I set my alarm for 11am to get up for hip-hop. I woke up but ALMOST stayed in bed & skipped it. Don't get me wrong - I love love love hip-hop class... but anyone who knows me knows I love my sleep.
I ended up getting up because I know I can't go next weekend. I have a booth in a wedding show so I am working that on Sunday. ANYWAYS - hip-hop was sooo much fun. I really love that class. If I could get my cardio three times a week doing that, I definitely would.
Then I came home and watched an episode of Gilmore Girls and ate some lunch, then did the huge mound of dishes. I did a load of laundry, and got groceries. I made a really delish dinner as well. Now I am contemplating going to a movie at Yorkdale. But I might be too lazy...
Hmmm... shall I or shan't I??
I've decided that 2009 is going to be my 'solo' year. Not a lotta friends in the t-dot, been doing a lot of things by myself lately... oh well, it's not bad. Miss friends, but oh well.
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Bruce Springsteen
I love Bruce Springsteen. Have since I drove to Toronto with my dad when I was young, and all we listened to was Greatest Hits.
So Bruce starts singing 'Born to Run' and it hits me - this is me. I was born to run. So, I go into my room, throw a few clothes in a bag & grab my toothbrush. I'm out the door before I can even think about it, and I'm in the car driving. I don't even know which direction I'm going to go - I just know that I want to run. That's all I want to do. That's all I've ever wanted to do. That's the only thing I will be happy doing.
I need to get out of here - this place is stifling my creativity. It's holding me back. Everything I do is so calculated, so contrite.
Flashback to the kitchen. Instead of packing that bag, I stand, letting the hot water run over my hands and I think about how I have a dentist appointment in the morning that I can't miss - because as of March 1st, my benefits are cut back. I have a conference call this week and a few super important things to take care of at the office. On top of that - I have a bunch of jobs coming up and clients that are depending on me. Top it off with a rent payment, a car payment, and some major bills, and let's face it - I'm not going anywhere.
Bruce starts singing 'Glory Days' and it all hits me - I don't want to be that person. Glory Days - well they'll pass you by. Glory days... in the blink of a young girls eye.
Where are my glory days going? I want them back. I need to reclaim them - because right now they are fleeting, and in the future - who knows if they'll even be glorious.
The game is resuming... and I hate football.
Friday, January 09, 2009
This is worth it.
This is an amazing cover of 'Please don't stop the music' by Rihanna. The duo is called The Bird & the Bee. They also do a phenomenal cover of the BeeGee's 'How Deep Is Your Love'.
Love it!
Monday, January 05, 2009
I'm hiring sub-contractors to work for my business as bartenders & servers. I'm doing interviews on Saturday... 17 back to back interviews. Twenty minutes each. It should be good fun.
A lot of the people have some good potential I think. Some had great resumes, and professional cover letters, coupled with at least SOME experience. Others had TONS of experience... and were a little lacking in the email skills. Some were the whole package. I'm really looking forward to meeting them all, and being a hiring manager.
I've also discovered this program called Freshbooks that I can use to do estimate, invoices, pay my staff, and everything. It's great - I brand it all to my company and my clients can log in to check their estimates, pay their bills, etc.
Now i'm just hoping to drum up some more business. Soon I'll have a strong team, and I can focus on getting larger events and bigger clients. Whoo hoo!